Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The First Day

(10:00am - Day Two)

The first day was extremely memorable. After we woke up from our jet-lagged sleep we had a hearty meal and hiked up through the hills to get a better view of the town we will be serving for the next two weeks. It was truly a beautiful site. We could see the entire town nestled between the hills. Later we were able to meet some of the children we will be serving. At first they were shy and reserved but that changed after time. They broke out the balloons and all bets were off. There were balloons flying every direction and little kids screaming. It was getting a little out of control. But one of the girls had asked me to read to her one of the English books here at the church. It was a watered-down version of "Red Riding Hood" called "Don't Talk to Strangers." Soon enough all the kids were as quiet as could be listening to me tell this classic story in English. I had the kids repeat after me.

In the evening we had a small worship service at the church we are staying. It was just the Team and the Pastor's family but it was truly blessing. We sang some hymns and read Psalm 23 in English and Korean and the Pastor gave a sermon, within it giving the details and the vision of his church. In the words of Pastor Ahn, he wants to make a "Half-time" church. It's like a sports match. After the first half of the game you take a break. But during the break you don't just sit around and do nothing. The Coach usually gives a motivating half time speech and makes a strategy. Likewise, he wants his church to be some place people can come to rest, be energized, and hear from the ultimate life coach, God, especially for those that are "losing" before half-time. His church, called "Still Water" taken from Psalm 23:2, aims to take in those that are troubled by divorce or just due for a break. Pastor Ahn welcomes these people to stay at the church as long as they want, sleeping and eating at no charge. The only stipulation is that they hear from God. When they are ready to leave he tells these people to NOT contact the church again. He tells them that they are to live moving forward and forget about their pasts because God forgets the past as well.

As I listened to the words of Pastor Ahn, I could hear God's confirmation of the mission to South Korea. I know for myself, and perhaps to the other team members, the comfort of God's promise to provide rest and solace is a great relief.

The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want,
He makes me lie down in green pastures,
He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul.
He leads me in the paths of righteousness
for his names sake

Please pray for us in these areas:
1. Alignment - to be aligned to the Holy Spirt and the works He is doing.
2. Worship - to be worshipers of Spirit and Truth

Thank you for your Awesome Support,
Daniel Kim

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